Pick an option below to try Willy now

Free Will partners, log in to Partner Portal to get exclusive access to William,
our more advanced Al-powered writing tool.

Nonprofit fundraising email

Nonprofit fundraising email, complete with research-backed best practices.

Social media posts

Create content that is tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn

Fundraising email evaluator

Put in your existing fundraising email content and get immediate feedback on how to make it even better.

The Permanent Gift Guide (Direct Mail)

A strategic message to send donors before End-of-Year season

Press release writer

Make news with a custom press release for your big (or small) announcement.

Fundraising direct mail

Get language for a letter, postcard, or anything else!

Email fundraising calendar

A year-long email plan, catered to your organization. Make it for 2023, or for 2024.

Donor thank-you note

Follow-up notes that are thoughtful and kind

Social media calendar

A year-long social media plan, across all your social networks

Your most compelling “smart-giving” message

For any donor, create the most compelling message to have them shift from cash to “smart giving” like appreciated assets, QCDs, and more.